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Advanced Meditation Instruction

When you learned to meditate, you were taught how to train the mind to experience the source of thought – to tap the reservoir of creative intelligence. Now it is possible to take Advanced Meditation Instruction, a boost in your basic practice.

photo of Dr. Mahapatra The purpose of each new technique is to improve the mind's ability so that each thought is cognized at a more effective level and thereby action made correspondingly stronger. Each new instruction further habituates the mind to maintain the deepest level of the thinking process. Once you have practiced meditation for 6 months or more, you are eligible to take the next technique.

Our touring Advanced Meditation instructor, Gyanendra Mahapatra, M.D., is both a medical doctor and renowned Vedic scholar. To date he has taught Advanced Meditation Instruction to over 10,000 students, a world record. He regularly tours the United States and is a frequent guest to our meditation center in Deerfield Beach.

Meditation Class photo. The practice is designed and administered for each meditator in order that his mind may systematically transcend through the experience of subtler fields of perception. Dr. Mahapatra is trained to make the selection of each student’s instruction which will often involve a change in mantra. With each new advanced meditation instruction our experience deepens. Students become more aware of the finer fabrics of one's own consciousness entering into a world of refined perception, bliss, and silent exploration.

One does not need additional time to practice the advanced meditation. There are no books to read or study to prepare. We continue to provide traditional instruction based on ancient tradition revived by Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, or Guru Dev, who was the Shankaracharya of northern India from 1940 to 1953.

New Classes Are Offered Throughout The Year

You can meet Dr. Mahapatra at our center in Deerfield Beach or via Zoom. Dr. Mahapatra will explain the benefits and practice of the techniques he will be teaching. Every meditator is welcome to attend.

Instruction for Advanced Meditation

Instruction is both group or private.

Meditation students are welcome to attend a free 45 minute lecture given by Dr. Mahapatra. After the talk, Dr. Mahapatra will answer questions. If you decide to get instructed, you will be invited to remain for the class. All details will be explained at the free talk.

If you have been practicing TSM Meditation or a similar mantra-based technique, you might be eligible to take the instruction. Each person will talk with Dr. Mahapatra for a few minutes to get his recommendation and approval for their personal instruction. Most classes are on Zoom. Some are at our center. This system of teaching & learning has been shown to be most effective.

To apply you can send us a Facebook Message or email us at or by cell or text at 561-542-9200.

Following instruction you will be given a private appointment to speak with Dr. Mahapatra the next day by phone. This way everyone can experiment with the technique and confirm that you are practicing it in the most correct manner.

In one month after instruction, students will be invited to attend a free group tune-up lesson given by Dr. Mahapatra only available on Zoom.

If you are traveling a distance for in-person instruction, we recommend the Hampton Inn on Hillsboro Blvd in Deerfield Beach - just east of I-95.

photo of Gyanendra Mahapatra Arrive refreshed and plan on a 90-minute visit. Dr. Mahapatra will be your instructor and will decide on your eligibility for advanced meditation. As with any personal instruction, you will need 6 flowers, 3 whole fruits and a clean white handkerchief. All teaching is in the name of the tradition.

The following day there is a recommended (not required) checking meeting of individual techniques. This session can be done by phone or in person.

Advanced Course - Questions and Answers

Our office has received dozens of questions regarding the course in advanced meditation. This course is open to all on our list who have learned to meditate. The new course is another step, an advancement in one's practice.

We have prepared a brief summary of questions and answers:

Question: This is called advanced meditation instruction. Why is it advanced?

Answer: When you took your basic course you learned all you need to meditate successfully. The new course is like a fertilizer placed on the soil to nourish the growth of a tree. Advanced Meditation Instruction takes meditation practice to the next level.

If we dive into a pond enough we might be ready to learn scuba, allowing us to explore the bottom of water. With this ability the diver becomes intimately familiar with the depths.

Like that, Advanced Meditation Instruction accelerates the expansion of consciousness into our awareness and provides us with the ability to explore more thoroughly that level of scenery which is more enjoyable.

Question: My meditations vary. Sometimes I go very deep, sometimes I am active. Will this change if I take the new course?

Answer: Advanced Meditation Instruction speeds up the growth of consciousness. With each new instruction one finds this to be true. As we continue, the mind and body become less and less active, more silent. Deep meditation is the result of regular practice.

Question: This will be my first advanced instruction. Will I receive a new mantra?

Answer: Most likely. Could be an addition to the existing mantra. Each instruction is tailored to the individual. Dr. Mahapatra will teach the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth techniques and will determine the instruction best suited to you. It’s an upgrade in your meditation practice itself.

Question: I learned to meditate some time ago. I have not been regular in practice and want to get back into a good meditation routine. Should I take advanced instruction?

Answer: Yes. You need to have practiced 6 months straight at some point in the past. This is a big boost in your practice and does not require extra time to practice. Meditators everywhere find the increased charm of deep mediation uniquely rewarding to all levels of one’s life.

Question: Will there be a need to add extra time to my meditation?

Answer: No. You continue with your routine as previously instructed. Adding extra time is not always helpful. For maximum results, we go with our routine.

Question: Dr. Mahapatra. Was he trained by the same person and organization as all TSM teachers?

Answer: Yes he was. It's all standardized. Teachers are taught in the same way. Advanced Meditation instructors have the most training and have been entrusted with the responsibility to keep the teaching as it was taught.