In the human potential movement of today there has emerged several different methods of fulfilling our
desires. There is the law of attraction, different types of manifesting formulas and of course The Secret, a
documentary made a few years ago.
Our system of personal development called Transcendental Stress Management is different from all we have
surveyed so far. Your objective could be to increase material abundance, improve relationships, stimulate
career advancement, improve health, or achieve a peaceful resolution to conflicts, If we wish to fulfill any
desire we can consider different ways to approach it.
We don’t disagree with the approach of hard work, education, or behavior modification. However, if we could
somehow develop our mental potential we could increase the success in our lives.
The Fulfillment Course is a simple mental technique for awakening and using one’s inner potential. It
differs dramatically from popular methods available. There is no need to change your lifestyle, concentrate
the mind or try visualizing success. We are not required to engage the mind in a task of any kink.
We don’t use moods or trying to imagine having already achieved something. There is no effort
Instead we make use of the silent mind where thoughts and dreams emerge and become active. In our method we
learn how to move within and reduce activity. Here is where our true nature resides, at a level known as the
source of thought. This ability to take desires into another level of awareness has been the process used by
yogis for centuries.
Harness The Power Of Your Desires
When we think of fulfilling any desire we often associate that with work. I have a desire for a product in
the marketplace. I get in my car and drive to the store. There is a certain amount of time required to
complete the task. Today we are not even required to drive. We can order on line and have our products
delivered to our home in a matter of 1 or 2 days. With very little effort we have achieved our goal.
Now you can learn a simple mental procedure that awakens our inner ability to fulfill desires. The purpose
of this course is to enable us to have a tool to help us do less and accomplish more. Instead of work,
simplify your desire, know what you want and loose that desire in deep meditation practice. This on its face
sounds ridiculous. We have all been conditioned to believe in the work ethic. Work and you will achieve. But
if we take a closer look at our inner abilities we might be surprised to find we can all improve our
capacity for success and achievement in life without working so hard and getting caught up in thinking -
thinking too much.
If we look at how nature works we find order and intelligence operating at every level. If we want to help
our flower garden grow, we need to know where to apply the water. We don’t think of watering the leaves of a
tree. We water the root. With the time and energy spent watering, we know the tree has the ability to take
the nourishing water from the soil, into the roots and eventually to every part of the tree. If we are
choosing to water the leaf, it's probably guided by some mistaken notion. Any gardener will tell you that
you are wasting time and water.
With our method of Transcendental Stress Management, or what we call TSM Meditation, we take our attention
within to find that there are quieter, more awake levels of awareness. The inner self has relaxing, orderly
islands of peace, creativity and contentment that are waiting for us to discover. This part of us, this
Self, is a place where one can go to absorb different scenery and in so doing, come out to the active world
with an awakened sense of life, a more purposeful flow of awareness. We spend some time in meditation,
usually 20 minutes, and come out to enjoy an improved ability to succeed.
What we want to discover is how best to awaken this inner life in ways we have not considered so far. Once
we have completed instruction in TSM, a 4-Lesson course, can we take what we have already learned and add
something to the end of our meditation practice? After 20 minutes of meditation the mind is more awake and
aware. If you can sit for 3-5 minutes longer, you can begin practicing something that is of great benefit, a
simple mental technique for fulfilling desires. This effortless procedure is added to meditation time.We are
able to begin moving within again because the mind and body have just spent 20 minutes settling, releasing
stress and acquiring the habit of deep rewarding meditation.
What we teach is what to do next. Without exiting meditation, take the attention back to that charming
state of lesser and lesser activity. We don’t want to make the mind busy, more active. That’s not what we
need now. Instead we begin a slightly different formula that enables the mind to settle deeply. It’s very
automatic. It was handed down to all meditation teachers to help them succeed. A desire, any desire, can be
used in a specific manner. It’s only important to know that there is greater power, greater ordiness, in
lesser mental and physical activity. We learn how to drop the seed of desire into the fertile soil of
consciousness, that source of all creativity, From that level, the seed sprouts to provide the rewards. When
we think a desire with the active mind, we generally end up becoming more active. However, when we learn how
to think a desire from the level of the silent mind, we learn how to do less and accomplish more. Everyone
is capable of fulfilling their desires more effortlessly. The formula is easy to practice and does not
require skill or belief to practice.
When we think a desire with the active mind, we generally end up becoming more active. However, when we
learn how to think a desire from the level of the silent mind, we can enjoy more success in daily life. It’s
a much more dynamic way of creating a more fulfilling outer life, one with greater abundance and success. No
mood making, no imagining yourself having already accomplished the desire, and no trying to change your
It's a simple formula taught to meditation teachers like myself that requires we have the desire and let it
go. It's a specific, effortless formula that anyone can learn after learning to meditate. We teach this
ancient process via Zoom or in person at our center in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Learn to plant the seed of
our desire where it can do the most good. It’s something automatic. According to the Rishis of this ancient
teaching, the source of thought is a “field of all possibilities”. Our ability to move within is already
there. Why not start to use it to fulfill (manifest) your specific desires?
Before embarking on your next project, writing that novel or hatching a plan for success, take a little
time to identify your desire, what you want. It may take a while to land on something real, something useful
and a desire you can use during the practice. At that point, gently resist the temptation to chase your
dreams into the world. Instead let them disappear into the Self. Allow the practice to work for us. We know
the path is being created from within. Don’t waste time doubting or judging. Let it go and be with the
silence. The huge computing system of natures intelligence is big enough to handle our desire. The
perspective that was handed down with the teaching is simple. The abundant universe has the ability to
fulfill any desire.
The active mind is always thinking. With our method of meditation we are able to effortlessly disrupt this
pattern for a while and absorb different scenery where one is awake but not active. In this state of lesser
activity, there is greater power, more awareness, and less disorder. When we go beyond the faintest level of
thought, we have reached complete orderliness and potentiality from which the universe creates everything.
This is our experience. No mantra, no thought, just resting in the unbounded.
When we learn how to manifest desires, we iearn how to take our attention within first. We are not speaking
about trying to figure out how to fulfill the desire - NO. That would take us out of that level of least
activity. The busy mind is not the silent mind. Instead we take the path of least resistance and find that a
desire just moves in a frictionless manner toward lesser and lesser activity. We need to address the
envelope properly before dropping it into the mailbox. The postal system can take it from there. And the
correct address is needed if we want the letter to reach its final destination. With a few months of daily
meditation each morning and evening, every meditation student understands that the formula must be
effortless. Very important. We have already gained so much by just sitting to meditate regularly. Now we are
about to add just one more step in the process to start enjoying even more expanded values in life.
Fulfilling desires can be greatly enhanced and finding less resistance becomes automatic. When we learn how
to use the computing system of nature’s intelligence, we enjoy greater progress resulting in more
fulfillment. Doing less is automatic in this technique. Accomplishing more is the result.
As part of my training to teach meditation I attended a 6 month in-residence course on fulfilling desires.
It was great. The goal for our group was to learn as much as we could about the mechanics involved in
fulfilling desires. We were given a daily routine of extended periods of meditation and received practical
instruction that encouraged us to be simple and stay rested while attending to our own inner-health and
happiness. We just rely on our potential to effortlessly fulfill desires.
Take The Instruction
It’s a one-lesson course, on Zoom or in-person at our center. If you are able to take it with 2 or more
students, we are asking for $125. If it’s a private class just for you, $160. When you spend 2 hours
learning, you can practice it for 3-4 minutes after meditation or for a little longer as time allows. We
offer classes in the morning, afternoon or evening, on weekdays and morning, or afternoons on weekends. Just
sign up when ready.
Sign Up Today
We invite every meditation student to join us for the course. It takes 90 minutes to two hours to learn to
practice the technique and as part of the class the instructor will practice with you for a short while. If
your current meditation practice requires you use a mantra, you are probably eligible to take the course.
Mike Scozzari, TSM Meditation Instructor. email:
When we meditate, we go beyond the swirl of thoughts, memories and emotions that tend to keep us
stuck in our ego's story of who we are. We enter an expanded state of awareness and discover our own inner
fountain of joy, a source of happiness that isn't dependent on anyone or anything.
Just a Reminder
From your first instruction in meditation, you learn how to refine a thought, to let it go. We learn how to
best navigate any experience in the most effortless manner. With practice we learn how to flow into that
refinement. Once the habit is gained, we can learn how to introduce a specific thought or desire. From that
platform, we take the path of least resistance to introduce the desire.
If we want to mail an envelope to a friend who may reside 100 miles away, we have different options. We can
take the envelope addressed to our friend and drive the distance. Or we can simply address the envelope
properly, place a postage stamp in the upper right corner, drop it into a proper mailbox and like magic, our
job is done. From that point on we trust the post office to deliver it to the right destination. We only
need to let it go at the right time and our job is done.
Once you know how to enable a desire to be deposited into your mailbox, its helpful to understand a little
about how that huge computing ability works. So here is one tip about consciousness that says it all. It’s
attributed to Deepak Chopra, M.D.: “Consciousness conceives, creates, governs and maintains the entire
universe, every aspect of the functioning of the mind/body system”.
Consciousness lies beyond the faintest level of thought. It is transcendental. All thought emerges from
consciousness. Our masters from ancient times have stated that consciousness contains everything. Every
conceivable thing throughout nature is an aspect of consciousness. If I have a desire and let it go, it is
already contained in its non-material way in consciousness. There is nothing that consciousness is missing
to create a life form, rain forest or galaxy. It is complete.
Desire is the starting point of all achievement. Not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating
desire which transcends everything. - Napoleon Hill
Payable by Check, Zelle, Venmo or by credit Card (Square or PayPal)
Note: If you take this course, you will receive a 25% discount on the the first lesson of the Vedic Siddhis
Course with Dr. Mahapatra. Taking this class involves several lessons, all instruction in Patangali’s Yoga
Sutras. Contact us to attend a free talk. Dr. Mahapatra has already taught over 10,000 students.